Planning ยป Application Details
Application Reference Number 2021/1090
Description Hybrid application for residential development for 1,560 dwellings comprising: a) Full planning permission for: earthworks to create development platforms; strategic drainage ponds/dry detention basins and associated drainage infrastructure; construction of a new link road; location of strategic landscaping and ecological areas; demolition of existing buildings; works to Hermit Lane; and erection of Phase 1(a) residential development comprising 216 dwellings, b) Outline planning permission for: Residential development comprising up to 1,344 dwellings; new primary school; small shops and community facilities; and associated infrastructure works, (Amended Description and Amended Plans).
Site Address Land south of Barugh Green Road and east of Higham Common Road, Barnsley.(Residential).
Received Date 9 August 2021
Valid From 21 September 2021
Decision Under Consideration
Status Registered
Applicant Name Strata Sterling (Barnsley West) Ltd
Applicant Address Quay Point Lakeside Doncaster DN4 5PL
Parish None
Ward Darton West, Dodworth
Application Type Outline
Determination Level Under Consideration
Agent Name Pegasus Planning Group Ltd
Case Officer Name Inner Team (DC)
Case Officer Telephone NA
Case Officer Email
Environmental Assessment Required Yes
Received Date 9 August 2021
Valid From 21 September 2021
Consultation Expiry Date 7 December 2023
Target Decision Date 11 January 2022
Extended Target Decision Date 30 June 2024
Decision Date Not yet determined
There are no neighbours associated with this application.
Company Name Address
Active Travel England Department of Transport
Affordable Housing Officer Westgate Plaza One
Air Quality Officer Westgate Plaza One
Biodiversity Officer Level 2 Westgate Plaza One PO Box 634 Barnsley S70 9FE
Cllr Alice Cave (Darton West) Darton West Ward c/o Member Services Town Hall Barnsley
Cllr Chris Wray (Dodworth) Dodworth Ward c/o Member Services Town Hall Barnsley
Cllr Clive Pickering (Old Town) Old Town Ward c/o Member Services Old Town Barnsley
Cllr Jo Newing (Old Town) Old Town Ward c/o Member Services Town Hall Barnsley
Cllr Neil Wright (Dodworth) Dodworth Ward c/o Member Services Town Hall Barnsley
Cllr Peter Fielding (Dodworth) Dodworth Ward c/o Member Services Town Hall Barnsley
Cllr Phillip Lofts (Old Town) Old Town Ward c/o Member Services Town Hall Barnsley
Cllr Sam Christmas (Dodworth) Dodworth Ward c/o Member Services Town Hall Barnsley
Cllr Sharon Howard (Darton West) Darton West Ward c/o Member Services Town Hall Barnsley
Cllr Trevor Cave (Darton West) Darton West Ward c/o Member Services Town Hall Barnsley
Cllr Will Fielding (Dodworth) Dodworth Ward c/o Member Services Town Hall Barnsley
Coal Authority 200 Lichfield Lane Mansfield Nottinghamshire NG18 4RG
Conservation Officer Level 1 Westgate Plaza 1 PO BOX 604 Barnsley
Contaminated Land Officer Regulatory Services Barnsley MBC PO Box 602 Barnsley S70 9FB
Dearne and Dove I.D.B. Shire Group of IDBs Epsom House Chase Park Redhouse Interchange Doncaster DN6 7FE
Demolition Barnsley MBC
Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Secretery of State Planning Casework Unit
Education Services Berneslai Close Barnsley
Environment Agency Sustainable Places team (Yorkshire Area) Environment Agency Lateral 8 City Walk Leeds LS11 9AT 8 City Walk Leeds LS11 9AT
Forestry Officer Level 1 Westgate Plaza One PO Box 604 Barnsley S70 9FE
Highway Drainage Westgate Plaza 1 PO Box 601 Barnsley S70 9FA
Highways DC Highways and Engineering Level 2 Westgate Plaza 1 PO Box 604 Barnsley S70 9FE
Historic England Yorkshire and Humber Region 37 Tanner Row York YO1 6WP
Legal Westgate Plaza 1 PO Box 600 Barnsley S70 9EZ
National Highways 2 City Walk Leeds LS11 9AR
NHS Barnsley Clinical Commissioning Group NA
NHS Primary Care Team NA
Planning Enforcement Westgate Plaza One Westgate Barnsley S70 9FE
Pollution Control Westgate Plaza 1 PO Box 602 Barnsley S70 9FB
Public Health Level 1 Westgate Plaza 1 Westgate Barnsley
Public Rights of Way BMBC
South Yorkshire Archaeology Service Planning, Transport and Highways Howden House 1 Union Street Sheffield S1 2SH
South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority SYMCA
South Yorkshire Mining Advisory Service Level 2 Westgate Plaza 1 PO Box 604 Barnsley S70 9FE
South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Executive 11 Broad Street West, Sheffield, S1 2BQ
South Yorkshire Police Architectural Liaison Officer Community Safety Department Building 1 Nunnery Square Sheffield Parkway Sheffield S2 5DH
Superfast South Yorkshire NA
Sustainability Level 1 Westgate Plaza 1 PO Box 604 Barnsley S70 9FE
Urban Design Officer Level 1 Westgate Plaza 1 PO BOX 604 Barnsley
Waste Management Household Waste Waste Collection Manager Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Development, Environment & Culture Smithies Lane Depot Barnsley S71 1NL
Yorkshire Water Services Limited Land Use Planning Western Way Halifax Road BRADFORD BD6 2LZ
Please note these documents are for viewing only. Attempting to save a copy or copies may infringe on copyright laws.
Amended Documentation
20211089 & 20211090 Strategic Landscape Masterplan(whole site) P11754-00-001-GIL-0100 Rev. 10 (Revised 12.06.2024).pdf ( 35.05 MB )
20211090 000 List of Plans.pdf ( 0.15 MB )
20211090 Affordable Housing Statement (Final) P18-1848 dated October 2023 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 0.52 MB )
20211090 Affordable Housing Statement Appendix 1 Local Sales and Rental Data (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 0.12 MB )
20211090 Biodiversity Offsetting Assessment LD10361 010 V0.1 dated October 2023 (received 24.10.2023).pdf ( 28.45 MB )
20211090 Delivery Strategy P18-1848 dated 21.09.2023 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 1.25 MB )
20211090 Design and Access Statement BWMP-BBA-XX-XX-RP-A-0000_D&A_A3_Landscape Rev. P04 - Section 1 of 4 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 6.27 MB )
20211090 Design and Access Statement BWMP-BBA-XX-XX-RP-A-0000_D&A_A3_Landscape Rev. P04 - Section 2 of 4 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 5.82 MB )
20211090 Design and Access Statement BWMP-BBA-XX-XX-RP-A-0000_D&A_A3_Landscape Rev. P04 - Section 3 of 4 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 2.29 MB )
20211090 Design and Access Statement BWMP-BBA-XX-XX-RP-A-0000_D&A_A3_Landscape Rev. P04 - Section 4 of 4 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 9.23 MB )
20211090 Executive Summary P18-1848.012.A dated October 2023 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 2.21 MB )
20211090 HB.NC Updated Planning Statement P18-1848.012.A dated October 2023.pdf ( 1.75 MB )
20211090 House Type A 151 CGI.jpeg ( 1.79 MB )
20211090 House Type A 151 MY A 151_PTM3 100 (received 28.11.2023).pdf ( 1.2 MB )
20211090 House Type AL-451 CGI.jpeg ( 4.52 MB )
20211090 House Type AL-451 MY AL-451 100 (received 28.11.2023).pdf ( 2.49 MB )
20211090 House Type Barcelona BM-C3-0101-A2 01 Rev. P3 (received 28.11.2023).pdf ( 1.12 MB )
20211090 House Type Barcelona CGI.jpeg ( 1.83 MB )
20211090 House Type Copenhagen BM-C4-0301-A1 01 Rev. P3 (received 28.11.2023).pdf ( 1.3 MB )
20211090 House Type Copenhagen CGI.jpeg ( 1.62 MB )
20211090 House Type Florence BM-C5-0103-A1 01 Rev. P2 (received 28.11.2023).pdf ( 1.4 MB )
20211090 House Type Florence CGI.jpeg ( 1.72 MB )
20211090 House Type Madrid BM-C4-0401-A1 01 Rev. P3 (received 28.11.2023).pdf ( 1.26 MB )
20211090 House Type Madrid CGI.jpeg ( 1.83 MB )
20211090 House Type Malmo BM-C3-0703-A1 01 Rev. P3 (received 28.11.2023).pdf ( 1.19 MB )
20211090 House Type Malmo CGI.jpeg ( 1.89 MB )
20211090 House Type Naples BM-C5-0301-A1 01 Rev. P3 (received 28.11.2023).pdf ( 1.39 MB )
20211090 House Type Naples CGI.jpeg ( 1.64 MB )
20211090 House Type Oporto BM-C4-0200-A2 01 Rev. P3 (received 28.11.2023).pdf ( 1.4 MB )
20211090 House Type Oporto CGI.jpeg ( 1.85 MB )
20211090 House Type Rosas CGI.jpeg ( 1.88 MB )
20211090 House Type Rosas MY-PL 404 AS 100 (received 28.11.2023).pdf ( 2.43 MB )
20211090 House Type T1 BM-C2-0201-A2 01 Rev. P3 (received 28.11.2023).pdf ( 0.95 MB )
20211090 House Type T1 CGI.jpeg ( 4.29 MB )
20211090 House Type T2 BM-C3-0301-A2 01 Rev. P3 (received 28.11.2023).pdf ( 0.79 MB )
20211090 House Type T2 CGI.jpeg ( 4.37 MB )
20211090 House Type Valencia BM-C5-0201-A1 01 Rev. P3 (received 28.11.2023).pdf ( 1.4 MB )
20211090 House Type Valencia CGI.jpeg ( 1.61 MB )
20211090 House Types Booklet (received 28.11.2023).pdf ( 4.39 MB )
20211090 Landscape Design Statement P11754-00-001-GIL-0707-04-BW Section 1of4 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 6.1 MB )
20211090 Landscape Design Statement P11754-00-001-GIL-0707-04-BW Section 2of4 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 9.13 MB )
20211090 Landscape Design Statement P11754-00-001-GIL-0707-04-BW Section 3of4 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 8.28 MB )
20211090 Landscape Design Statement P11754-00-001-GIL-0707-04-BW Section 4of4 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 8.23 MB )
20211090 Landscape Masterplan P11754-00-001-GIL-0100 Rev. 09 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 9.45 MB )
20211090 Location Map for Site Sections Rev. 01 (received 12.10.2023).jpg ( 3.59 MB )
20211090 Masterplan Cut and Fill Depths to Existing Ground Level Sheet 1 QD2088-00-302 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 7.95 MB )
20211090 Masterplan Cut and Fill Depths to Existing Ground Level Sheet 2 QD2088-00-303 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 5.87 MB )
20211090 Masterplan Proposed Regrade Contours Sheet 1 QD2088-00-300 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 2.27 MB )
20211090 Masterplan Proposed Regrade Contours Sheet 2 QD2088-00-301 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 1.83 MB )
20211090 Parameter Plan BWM-BBA-ZZ-XX-DR-A-1052 Rev. P10 (received October 2023).pdf ( 0.72 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 Car Parking & EVCP Plan BY00102 - CPEVCP Rev. C (Revised 10.06.2024).pdf ( 1.16 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 CEMP (Legacy) dated October 2023 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 0.33 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 Landscape Design Sheet 1of2 P11754-00-001-GIL-0101 Rev.05 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 2.56 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 Landscape Design Sheet 2of2 P11754-00-001-GIL-0102 Rev.06 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 3.7 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 Level Strategy - Sheet 1 - QD2144-00-07 Rev. A (Revised 09.05.2024).pdf ( 1.05 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 Level Strategy - Sheet 2 - QD2144-00-08 Rev. A (Revised 09.05.2024).pdf ( 1.07 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 Level Strategy - Sheet 3 - QD2144-00-09 Rev. B (Revised 09.05.2024).pdf ( 0.81 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 Massing Plan BY00102-MP Rev.C (Revised 10.06.2024).pdf ( 1.28 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 Materials, Boundary & Surfacing Plan BY00102-MBSP Rev.B (Revised 10.06.2024).pdf ( 4.06 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 Planning Layout 20-CL4-SEGB-BWP1-02 Rev. T (Received 02.07.2024).pdf ( 35 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 Sustainability Statement dated October 2023 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 0.31 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 Tenure Mix Plan BY00102-TMP Rev. A (Revised 10.06.2024).pdf ( 1.43 MB )
20211090 Planning Statement Appendix 1 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 0.21 MB )
20211090 Planning Statement Appendix 2 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 0.14 MB )
20211090 Planning Statement Appendix 3 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 0.16 MB )
20211090 Proposed GA Site Sections Sheet 01 P11754-00-0001-IL-0220 Rev. 00 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 1.46 MB )
20211090 Proposed GA Site Sections Sheet 02 P11754-00-0001-IL-0221 Rev. 00 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 1.81 MB )
20211090 Proposed GA Site Sections Sheet 03 P11754-00-0001-IL-0222 Rev. 00 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 2.07 MB )
20211090 Proposed GA Site Sections Sheet 04 P11754-00-0001-IL-0223 Rev. 00 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 2.28 MB )
20211090 Proposed GA Site Sections Sheet 05 P11754-00-0001-IL-0224 Rev. 00 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 1.82 MB )
20211090 Proposed GA Site Sections Sheet 06 P11754-00-0001-IL-0225 Rev. 00 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 2.05 MB )
20211090 Proposed Indicative Site Plan BWM-BBA-ZZ-XX-DR-A-1004 Rev. P16 (received 21.11.2023).pdf ( 11.34 MB )
20211090 Residential Covering Letter P18-1848 dated 12.10.2023 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 0.53 MB )
20211090 Residential Site Location Plan BWM-BBA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-1002 Rev.P01 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 1.36 MB )
20211090 Revised Application Form Residential.pdf ( 2.2 MB )
20211090 Site Location Plan (whole site) BWM-BBA-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-1001 Rev.P02.pdf ( 1.36 MB )
Application Form
2021090 Application Form_Redacted.pdf ( 0.98 MB )
20211090 Representation 1.pdf ( 0.08 MB )
20211090 Representation 10.pdf ( 0.05 MB )
20211090 Representation 11.pdf ( 0.06 MB )
20211090 Representation 12.pdf ( 0.05 MB )
20211090 Representation 13.pdf ( 0.03 MB )
20211090 Representation 14.pdf ( 0.04 MB )
20211090 Representation 15.pdf ( 0.04 MB )
20211090 Representation 16.pdf ( 0.04 MB )
20211090 Representation 17.pdf ( 0.04 MB )
20211090 Representation 18.pdf ( 0.05 MB )
20211090 Representation 19.pdf ( 0.05 MB )
20211090 Representation 2.pdf ( 0.03 MB )
20211090 Representation 20.pdf ( 3.42 MB )
20211090 Representation 21.pdf ( 0.05 MB )
20211090 Representation 22.pdf ( 0.04 MB )
20211090 Representation 23.pdf ( 0.46 MB )
20211090 Representation 24.pdf ( 0.07 MB )
20211090 Representation 25.pdf ( 0.13 MB )
20211090 Representation 26.pdf ( 0.05 MB )
20211090 Representation 27.pdf ( 0.04 MB )
20211090 Representation 28.pdf ( 2.6 MB )
20211090 Representation 29.pdf ( 0.04 MB )
20211090 Representation 3.pdf ( 0.09 MB )
20211090 Representation 30.pdf ( 0.07 MB )
20211090 Representation 31.pdf ( 0.13 MB )
20211090 Representation 32.pdf ( 0.1 MB )
20211090 Representation 33.pdf ( 0.07 MB )
20211090 Representation 34.pdf ( 0.04 MB )
20211090 Representation 35.pdf ( 0.04 MB )
20211090 Representation 36.pdf ( 0.04 MB )
20211090 Representation 37.pdf ( 0.24 MB )
20211090 Representation 38.pdf ( 0.09 MB )
20211090 Representation 39.pdf ( 0.09 MB )
20211090 Representation 4.pdf ( 0.09 MB )
20211090 Representation 40.pdf ( 0.04 MB )
20211090 Representation 41.pdf ( 0.23 MB )
20211090 Representation 42.pdf ( 0.03 MB )
20211090 Representation 43.pdf ( 0.06 MB )
20211090 Representation 44.pdf ( 0.99 MB )
20211090 Representation 45.pdf ( 0.06 MB )
20211090 Representation 46.pdf ( 0.04 MB )
20211090 Representation 47.pdf ( 0.05 MB )
20211090 Representation 5.pdf ( 0.14 MB )
20211090 Representation 6.pdf ( 0.04 MB )
20211090 Representation 7.pdf ( 0.03 MB )
20211090 Representation 8.pdf ( 0.42 MB )
20211090 Representation 9.pdf ( 0.03 MB )
202211090 Redacted Comments 07062024.pdf ( 13.28 MB )
Consultee Response
2021089 & 1090 Public Rights of Way 17.01.2024.pdf ( 0.51 MB )
20211089 & 1090 Biodiversity 08.12.2023.pdf ( 0.26 MB )
20211089 & 1090 Biodiversity 11.12.2023.pdf ( 0.18 MB )
20211089 & 1090 Cllr. Christmas 11.12.2023.pdf ( 0.18 MB )
20211089 & 1090 Cllr. Fielding 13.12.23_Redacted.pdf ( 0.17 MB )
20211089 & 1090 Cllr. Wray 04.12.2023.pdf ( 0.19 MB )
20211089 & 1090 Conservation Officer 01.11.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.1 MB )
20211089 & 1090 Conservation Officer 04.10.2021.pdf ( 0.18 MB )
20211089 & 1090 Consultee Highways DC - Initial Response to Oct 23 Resubmission 27.02.2024_Redacted.pdf ( 0.24 MB )
20211089 & 1090 Forestry Officer 15.12.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.23 MB )
20211089 & 1090 Public Health 05.12.2023.pdf ( 0.1 MB )
20211089 & 1090 Public Rights of Way 13.03.2024_Redacted.pdf ( 0.09 MB )
20211089 & 1090 South Yorkshire Police (Further Comment) 27.02.2024_Redacted.pdf ( 0.1 MB )
20211089 & 1090 South Yorkshire Police 06.12.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.2 MB )
20211089 & 1090 TPT 23.11.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.88 MB )
20211089 & 1090 Yorkshire Wildlife Trust 21.12.2023.pdf ( 0.99 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Air Qaulity 20.05.2024_Redacted.pdf ( 0.14 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Air Quality 09.02.2024.pdf ( 0.04 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Biodiversity (final comments) 21.05.2024_Redacted.pdf ( 0.57 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Contaminated Land 11.03.2024_Redacted.pdf ( 0.22 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Darton West Councillors 18.04.2024.pdf ( 0.1 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 LVIA 05.02.2024.pdf ( 0.23 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 LVIA 08.02.2024.pdf ( 0.29 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Public Health (final comments) 09.05.2024_Redacted.pdf ( 0.1 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Public Rights of Way (final comments) 20.05.2024_Redacted.pdf ( 0.12 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 South Yorkshire Archaeology Service (final comments) 15.05.2024_Redacted.pdf ( 0.25 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 SYMCA 18.03.2024_Redacted.pdf ( 0.27 MB )
20211089 National Highways 16.11.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.32 MB )
20211090 Active Travel England (final comments) 02.04.2024_Redacted.pdf ( 0.2 MB )
20211090 Active Travel England 07.03.2024_Redacted.pdf ( 0.16 MB )
20211090 Active Travel England 15.11.2023.pdf ( 0.16 MB )
20211090 Affordable Housing - Tenure Calculation 04.12.2023.pdf ( 0.05 MB )
20211090 Affordable Housing 04.12.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.3 MB )
20211090 Affordable Housing 26.01.2024_Redacted.pdf ( 0.26 MB )
20211090 Air Quality 04.11.2021.msg ( 0.06 MB )
20211090 Cllr. Fielding 29.10.2021.pdf ( 0.11 MB )
20211090 Cllr. Wray 30.10.2023.pdf ( 0.14 MB )
20211090 Cllr. Wright 12.10.2021.htm ( 0.04 MB )
20211090 Education 04.10.2021.pdf ( 0.07 MB )
20211090 Education Services 15.12.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.62 MB )
20211090 Environment Agency 01.12.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.11 MB )
20211090 Highway Drainage 30.10.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.14 MB )
20211090 Highways 20.12.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.56 MB )
20211090 Highways DC 28.10.2021.pdf ( 0.65 MB )
20211090 Highways England 20.11.2021.pdf ( 0.27 MB )
20211090 Historic England 17.11.2023.pdf ( 0.29 MB )
20211090 National Highways 21.11.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.18 MB )
20211090 NHS Primary Care 07.02.2024_Redacted.pdf ( 0.13 MB )
20211090 NHS Primary Care 27.12.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.46 MB )
20211090 Parks Services 20.12.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.5 MB )
20211090 Pollution Control 04.11.2021.pdf ( 0.11 MB )
20211090 Pollution Control 18.10.2021.pdf ( 0.13 MB )
20211090 Pollution Control Conditions (received 03.06.2024).pdf ( 0.24 MB )
20211090 Public Rights of Way (PROW) 18.10.2021.pdf ( 0.73 MB )
20211090 South Yorkshire Mining Advisory Service (SYMAS) 11.10.2021.pdf ( 0.13 MB )
20211090 South Yorkshire Mining Advisory Service (SYMAS) 31.10.2023.pdf ( 0.13 MB )
20211090 South Yorkshire Police 07.10.2021.pdf ( 0.12 MB )
20211090 South Yorkshirse Archaeology Service 11.01.2024_Redacted.pdf ( 0.15 MB )
20211090 Superfast South Yorkshire (SFSY) 26.10.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.2 MB )
20211090 Superfast South Yorkshire (SFSY) 30.09.2021.pdf ( 0.14 MB )
20211090 SYMCA 27.11.2023.pdf ( 1.22 MB )
20211090 The British Horse Society 19.10.2021.pdf ( 0.17 MB )
20211090 The British Horse Society 31.10.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.21 MB )
20211090 The Coal Authority (TCA) (Objection Withdrawn) 08.02.2024_Redacted.pdf ( 0.27 MB )
20211090 The Coal Authority (TCA) 18.01.2024_Redacted.pdf ( 0.28 MB )
20211090 The Coal Authority (TCA) 18.10.2021.pdf ( 0.29 MB )
20211090 The Coal Authority (TCA) 24.11.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.25 MB )
20211090 TPT 20.10.2021.pdf ( 0.21 MB )
20211090 Urban Design Officer_Redacted 05.03.2024.pdf ( 0.26 MB )
20211090 Yorkshire Water 02.11.2021.pdf ( 1.25 MB )
20211090 Yorkshire Water 08.11.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.27 MB )
20211090 Yorkshire Wildlife Trust 09.11.2021.msg ( 0.32 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Additional responses to Review of Air Quality ES Chapter_Redacted.pdf ( 2.1 MB )
Design and Access Statement
20211090 Design and Access Statement BWMP-BBA-XX-XX-RP-A-0000 Rev. P03 dated 30.06.2021.pdf ( 164.35 MB )
Environmental Statement
20211090 000 ES Non-Technical Summary .pdf ( 0.73 MB )
20211090 001 ES - Volume 1 - Front Cover.pdf ( 0.27 MB )
20211090 002 ES - Volume 1 - Contents Page.pdf ( 0.1 MB )
20211090 003 ES Chapter 1 - Introduction.pdf ( 0.09 MB )
20211090 003 ES Chapter 1 Figure 1.1 - Site Location.pdf ( 0.16 MB )
20211090 003 ES Chapter 1 Figure 1.2 - Site Boundary.pdf ( 0.33 MB )
20211090 004 ES Chapter 2 - Assessment Methodology.pdf ( 0.28 MB )
20211090 005 ES Chapter 3 - The Site and the Proposed Development.pdf ( 0.18 MB )
20211090 005 ES Chapter 3 Figure 3.1 - Parameter Plan.pdf ( 0.72 MB )
20211090 005 ES Chapter 3 Figure 3.2 - Phase 1 Residential Development Plan.pdf ( 0.74 MB )
20211090 005 ES Chapter 3 Figure 3.3 - Phasing Parcel Plan.pdf ( 0.93 MB )
20211090 006 ES Chapter 4 - Alternatives Considered.pdf ( 0.1 MB )
20211090 007 ES Chapter 5 - Planning Policy Context.pdf ( 0.11 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 - LVIA.pdf ( 0.72 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Figure 6.1 Site Location and Study Area.pdf ( 7.18 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Figure 6.2 Topography.pdf ( 4.59 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Figure 6.3 Landscape Character Areas.pdf ( 4.27 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Figure 6.4 Landscape Related Designations.pdf ( 5.03 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Figure 6.5 Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV).pdf ( 2.67 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Figure 6.6 Viewpoint Locations.pdf ( 3.07 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Figure 6.7 Visual Receptors.pdf ( 3.16 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Figure 6.8 Strategic Landscape Masterplan.pdf ( 20.29 MB )
20211090 009 ES Chapter 7 - Ecology.pdf ( 0.46 MB )
20211090 010 ES Chapter 8 - Transport.pdf ( 0.51 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 - Heritage.pdf ( 0.26 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Figure 9.1.pdf ( 3.05 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Figure 9.10.pdf ( 2.89 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Figure 9.12.pdf ( 2.48 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Figure 9.13.pdf ( 4.7 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Figure 9.14.pdf ( 3.34 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Figure 9.15.pdf ( 4.15 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Figure 9.16.pdf ( 3.81 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Figure 9.17.pdf ( 4 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Figure 9.2.pdf ( 8.34 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Figure 9.3.pdf ( 2.19 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Figure 9.4.pdf ( 2.77 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Figure 9.5.pdf ( 2.28 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Figure 9.6.pdf ( 2.96 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Figure 9.7.pdf ( 2.9 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Figure 9.8.pdf ( 2.74 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Figure 9.9.pdf ( 3.4 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 - Ground Conditions.pdf ( 0.28 MB )
20211090 013 ES Chapter 11 - Flood Risk.pdf ( 0.2 MB )
20211090 014 ES Chapter 12 - Air Quality.pdf ( 0.81 MB )
20211090 014 ES Chapter 12 Figure 12.1 - Air Quality Receptors.pdf ( 0.22 MB )
20211090 015 ES Chapter 13 - Noise.pdf ( 0.8 MB )
20211090 016 ES Chapter 14 - Socio-Economics and Health.pdf ( 1.18 MB )
20211090 017 ES Chapter 15 - Climate Change.pdf ( 0.35 MB )
20211090 Barnsley West Wintering Bird Survey Addendum - December 2023.pdf ( 2.25 MB )
20211090 LD10361 Bat Climbed Inspection LRMTATP 07.11.23.pdf ( 5.13 MB )
Environmental Statement Appendices
20211090 000 ES Non-Technical Summary Appendix 1 - Parameter Plan.pdf ( 0.72 MB )
20211090 001 ES - Volume 2 - Front Cover.pdf ( 0.27 MB )
20211090 002 ES - Volume 2 - Contents Page.pdf ( 0.09 MB )
20211090 004 ES Chapter 2 Appendix 2.1 - EIA Scoping Request Letter 05.03.21.pdf ( 0.13 MB )
20211090 004 ES Chapter 2 Appendix 2.2 - EIA Scoping Opinion.pdf ( 0.12 MB )
20211090 004 ES Chapter 2 Appendix 2.3 - Request Letter 21.01.22.pdf ( 0.17 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Appendix 6.1 Viewpoints_Part1of5.pdf ( 9.53 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Appendix 6.1 Viewpoints_Part2of5.pdf ( 9.62 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Appendix 6.1 Viewpoints_Part3of5.pdf ( 8.36 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Appendix 6.1 Viewpoints_Part4of5.pdf ( 7.46 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Appendix 6.1 Viewpoints_Part5of5.pdf ( 7.15 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Appendix 6.2 Visualisations_Part1of5.pdf ( 9.95 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Appendix 6.2 Visualisations_Part2of5.pdf ( 9.9 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Appendix 6.2 Visualisations_Part3of5.pdf ( 8.22 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Appendix 6.2 Visualisations_Part4of5.pdf ( 8.68 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Appendix 6.2 Visualisations_Part5of5.pdf ( 1.53 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Appendix 6.3 Comparative Visualisations_Part1of5.pdf ( 8.88 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Appendix 6.3 Comparative Visualisations_Part2of5.pdf ( 8.27 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Appendix 6.3 Comparative Visualisations_Part3of5.pdf ( 8.59 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Appendix 6.3 Comparative Visualisations_Part4of5.pdf ( 8.73 MB )
20211090 008 ES Chapter 6 Appendix 6.3 Comparative Visualisations_Part5of5.pdf ( 5.42 MB )
20211090 009 ES Chapter 7 Appendix 7.1 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Report.pdf ( 6.48 MB )
20211090 009 ES Chapter 7 Appendix 7.2 Barnsley West eDNA Technical Note.pdf ( 1.2 MB )
20211090 009 ES Chapter 7 Appendix 7.3 Barnsley West Bat Survey Report.pdf ( 10.14 MB )
20211090 009 ES Chapter 7 Appendix 7.4 Breeding Bird Survey Report.pdf ( 9.36 MB )
20211090 009 ES Chapter 7 Appendix 7.5 Wintering Bird Survey Report.pdf ( 6.96 MB )
20211090 009 ES Chapter 7 Appendix 7.6 Otter and Water Vole Survey Report 2023.pdf ( 5.65 MB )
20211090 009 ES Chapter 7 Appendix 7.7 Barnsley West Invertebrate Appraisal.pdf ( 9.25 MB )
20211090 009 ES Chapter 7 Appendix 7.8 Ancient Woodland Assessment and Impacts.pdf ( 6.37 MB )
20211090 009 ES Chapter 7 Appendix 7.9 Framework BEMP 12.12.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.94 MB )
20211090 010 ES Chapter 8 Appendix 8.1 - Framework Residential Travel Plan.pdf ( 9.16 MB )
20211090 010 ES Chapter 8 Appendix 8.2 - Workplace Framework Travel Plan.pdf ( 10.55 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Appendix 9.1 Desk-based Assessment.pdf ( 10.04 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Appendix 9.2 Heritage Statement.pdf ( 2.78 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Appendix 9.3 Geophysical Survey_Part1of4.pdf ( 7.83 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Appendix 9.3 Geophysical Survey_Part2of4.pdf ( 6.4 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Appendix 9.3 Geophysical Survey_Part3of4.pdf ( 8.61 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Appendix 9.3 Geophysical Survey_Part4of4.pdf ( 2.39 MB )
20211090 011 ES Chapter 9 Appendix 9.4 Southern Roundabout Heritage report.pdf ( 0.2 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.1 -Geotechnical Site Appraisal.pdf ( 13.31 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.10 - Preliminary GI – Land Transfer 2 1of2.pdf ( 9.07 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.10 - Preliminary GI – Land Transfer 2 2of2.pdf ( 6.88 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.11 -Geoenvironmental Appraisal - Pogmoor_Part1of4.pdf ( 9.48 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.11 -Geoenvironmental Appraisal - Pogmoor_Part2of4.pdf ( 9.05 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.11 -Geoenvironmental Appraisal - Pogmoor_Part3of4.pdf ( 9.57 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.11 -Geoenvironmental Appraisal - Pogmoor_Part4of4.pdf ( 3.43 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.12 - Earthworks - Land Transfer 1.pdf ( 8.01 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.13 - Earthworks Strategy - Residential_Part1of7.pdf ( 7.76 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.13 - Earthworks Strategy - Residential_Part2of7.pdf ( 9.29 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.13 - Earthworks Strategy - Residential_Part3of7.pdf ( 5.82 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.13 - Earthworks Strategy - Residential_Part4of7.pdf ( 9.74 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.13 - Earthworks Strategy - Residential_Part5of7.pdf ( 7.74 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.13 - Earthworks Strategy - Residential_Part6of7.pdf ( 14.49 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.13 - Earthworks Strategy - Residential_Part7of7.pdf ( 11.75 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.2 - Geoenv Desk Study Report 1of3.pdf ( 9.63 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.2 - Geoenv Desk Study Report 2of3.pdf ( 9.43 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.2 - Geoenv Desk Study Report 3of3.pdf ( 5.58 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.3 - Preliminary Geo GI - Employment_Part1of4.pdf ( 5.43 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.3 - Preliminary Geo GI - Employment_Part2of4.pdf ( 4.81 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.3 - Preliminary Geo GI - Employment_Part3of4.pdf ( 5.8 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.3 - Preliminary Geo GI - Employment_Part4of4.pdf ( 6.22 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.4 - Coal_Mining_Assessment_Part1of3.pdf ( 9.65 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.4 - Coal_Mining_Assessment_Part2of3.pdf ( 9.95 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.4 - Coal_Mining_Assessment_Part3of3.pdf ( 5.48 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.5 - Coal Mining Risk Assesment Employment Land.SFS.pdf ( 8.34 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.6 -Coal_Mining_Risk_Assessment_Pogmoor.SFS.pdf ( 7.67 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.7 - Earthworks Strategy - Employment.SFS 1of2.pdf ( 7.38 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.7 - Earthworks Strategy - Employment.SFS 2of2.pdf ( 5.7 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.8 - Slope Stability - Employment.SFS_Part1of2.pdf ( 7.38 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.8 - Slope Stability - Employment.SFS_Part2of2.pdf ( 7.55 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.9 -Geo Appraisal -Land Transfer 1_Part1of5.pdf ( 8.99 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.9 -Geo Appraisal -Land Transfer 1_Part2of5.pdf ( 9.2 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.9 -Geo Appraisal -Land Transfer 1_Part3of5.pdf ( 9.5 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.9 -Geo Appraisal -Land Transfer 1_Part4of5.pdf ( 9.5 MB )
20211090 012 ES Chapter 10 Appendix 10.9 -Geo Appraisal -Land Transfer 1_Part5of5.pdf ( 9.47 MB )
20211090 013 ES Chapter 11 Appendix 11.1 - Flood Risk Assessment.SFS_Part1of2.pdf ( 7.34 MB )
20211090 013 ES Chapter 11 Appendix 11.1 - Flood Risk Assessment.SFS_Part2of2.pdf ( 6.05 MB )
20211090 013 ES Chapter 11 Appendix 11.2 - DIA Emp 1of3.pdf ( 9.51 MB )
20211090 013 ES Chapter 11 Appendix 11.2 - DIA emp 2of3.pdf ( 9.17 MB )
20211090 013 ES Chapter 11 Appendix 11.2 - DIA Emp 3of3.pdf ( 5.75 MB )
20211090 013 ES Chapter 11 Appendix 11.3 - DIA - resi 4of6.pdf ( 9.18 MB )
20211090 013 ES Chapter 11 Appendix 11.3 - DIA - Resi 1of6.pdf ( 6.51 MB )
20211090 013 ES Chapter 11 Appendix 11.3 - DIA - Resi 2of6.pdf ( 5.95 MB )
20211090 013 ES Chapter 11 Appendix 11.3 - DIA - resi 3of6.pdf ( 7.1 MB )
20211090 013 ES Chapter 11 Appendix 11.3 - DIA - Resi 5of6.pdf ( 8.36 MB )
20211090 013 ES Chapter 11 Appendix 11.3 - DIA - Resi 6of6.pdf ( 5.16 MB )
20211090 014 ES Chapter 12 Appendix 12.1 Legislation Policy and Guidance.pdf ( 0.21 MB )
20211090 014 ES Chapter 12 Appendix 12.2 Methodology.pdf ( 0.67 MB )
20211090 014 ES Chapter 12 Appendix 12.3 Air Quality Assessment Results.pdf ( 0.21 MB )
20211090 014 ES Chapter 12 Appendix 12.4 Correspondence.pdf ( 0.89 MB )
20211090 014 ES Chapter 12 Appendix 12.5 Phase 1 Construction Dust.pdf ( 0.16 MB )
20211090 015 ES Chapter 13 Appendix 13.1 Figures 1-8.pdf ( 2.91 MB )
20211090 015 ES Chapter 13 Appendix 13.2 Traffic Data for Noise.pdf ( 0.24 MB )
20211090 016 ES Chapter 14 Appendix 14.1 - HIA.pdf ( 0.42 MB )
20211090 017 ES Chapter 15 Appendix 15.1 - Energy Statement.pdf ( 5.78 MB )
Ground Investigation Reports
2021 1090 Geoenvironmental Report 3104-1 dated March 2022.pdf ( 37.22 MB )
Noise Survey
20211090 Noise Impact Assessment NIA-8576-21-9800-v3 (Phase 1) dated 25.04.2024.pdf ( 16 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Phasing Parcel Plan (Whole Site) BWM-BBA-ZZ-XX-DR-A-1005 Rev. P04.pdf ( 0.93 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Section Sketch - Acoustic Barrier 13731-THP-XX-XX-DR-A-SK008 (received 09.04.2024).pdf ( 0.45 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Strategic Landscape Plan (Full) P11754-00-001-GIL-0110 Rev. 00 (received 08.02.2024).pdf ( 8.8 MB )
20211090 Level Strategy - Sheet 1 QD2144-00-07 (received 16.01.2024).pdf ( 0.94 MB )
Superseded Documentation
2021 1090 Transport Assessment v2.0 March 2022.pdf ( 32 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Appendix 1a - Updated Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment LD10361 010 V2.0 dated March 2024 (received 08.03.2024)_Redacted.pdf ( 26.74 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Appendix 1b - Combined BNG Metric Revised Appendix 4 (received 08.03.2024).pdf ( 0.1 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Appendix 1c - Commercial BNG Metric Revised Appendix 4 (received 08.03.2024).pdf ( 0.08 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Appendix 4 - WYG Great Crested Newt eDNA Report 784-A107940-3 dated 08.01.2021 (received 08.03.2024).pdf ( 0.92 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 LD1048 Ancient Woodland Clarification Note _Final (received 23.05.2024) (Superseded 18.06.2024).pdf ( 11.51 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 LD10848 Other Arboriculture Matters Clarification Note_ Revised 18th June 2024 (Received 18.06.2024).pdf ( 36.6 MB )
20211089 Proposed GA Site Sections Page 9 P11754-00-001-GIL-0228 Rev.01 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 5.43 MB )
20211090 009 ES Chapter 7 Appendix 7.9 Framework BEMP - December 2023 (Superseded).pdf ( 15.87 MB )
20211090 009 ES Chapter 7 Appendix 7.9 Framework BEMP - December 2023_Redacted (Superseded).pdf ( 16.59 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-001 KEY PLAN (Superseded 30.05.2024).pdf ( 2.06 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-002 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SH 1 OF 3 (Superseded 30.05.2024).pdf ( 1.88 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-003 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SH 2 OF 3 (Superseded 30.05.2024).pdf ( 1.74 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-004 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SH 3 OF 3 (Superseded 30.05.2024).pdf ( 1.45 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-008 ENGINEERING LAYOUT SH 1 OF 3 (Superseded 30.05.2024).pdf ( 2.62 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-009 ENGINEERING LAYOUT SH 2 OF 3 (Superseded 30.05.2024).pdf ( 2.38 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-010 ENGINEERING LAYOUT SH 3 OF 3 (Superseded 30.05.2024).pdf ( 2.09 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-011 SWEPT PATH ANALYSIS (Superseded 30.05.2024).pdf ( 8.62 MB )
20211090 ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP25.pdf ( 2.29 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP01.pdf ( 2.82 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP02.pdf ( 2.95 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP03.pdf ( 3.21 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP04.pdf ( 2.66 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP05.pdf ( 2.59 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP06.pdf ( 2.7 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP07.pdf ( 2.57 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP08.pdf ( 2.55 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP09.pdf ( 2.71 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP10.pdf ( 2.51 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP11.pdf ( 4.37 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP12.pdf ( 7.08 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP13.pdf ( 2.9 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP14.pdf ( 2.78 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP15.pdf ( 2.75 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP16.pdf ( 4.09 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP17.pdf ( 3.3 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP18.pdf ( 2.86 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP19.pdf ( 2.77 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP20.pdf ( 2.97 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP21.pdf ( 2.75 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP22.pdf ( 2.49 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP23.pdf ( 2.58 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures ACAD_B028734 Barnsley West Tree Constraints Plan TCP24.pdf ( 2.7 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP01.pdf ( 4.03 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP02.pdf ( 2.97 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP03.pdf ( 2.87 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP04.pdf ( 4.45 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP05.pdf ( 3.21 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP06.pdf ( 2.98 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP07.pdf ( 3.78 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP08.pdf ( 2.89 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP09.pdf ( 2.98 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP10.pdf ( 3.22 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP11.pdf ( 3.49 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP12.pdf ( 7.72 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP13.pdf ( 5.76 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP14.pdf ( 6.54 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP15.pdf ( 6.5 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP16.pdf ( 7.17 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP17.pdf ( 6.43 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP18.pdf ( 5.81 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP19.pdf ( 5.8 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP20.pdf ( 5.98 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP21.pdf ( 5.64 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP22.pdf ( 5.36 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP23.pdf ( 5.65 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP24.pdf ( 5.89 MB )
20211090 AIA Rpt Figures B028734 Barnsley West Tree Protection Plan TPP25.pdf ( 5.22 MB )
20211090 Appendix 7.5 - Badgers and Hedgerows 784-A107940-3 dated 08.01.2021.pdf ( 5.3 MB )
20211090 Application 1 Site Boundary.pdf ( 1.53 MB )
20211090 Application Form Redacted (Superseded 16.02.2024).pdf ( 0.47 MB )
20211090 Badgers and Hedgerows Appendix D 784-A107940-3 dated January 2021.pdf ( 0.06 MB )
20211090 Barnsley West Combined Metric 4.0 LD10361 (received 26.10.2023).xlsx ( 4.69 MB )
20211090 Barnsley West Link Road RSA Stage 1 Rev 0.pdf ( 2.43 MB )
20211090 Barnsley West Masterplan - 1004 - Proposed Site Plan (Superseded).pdf ( 9.17 MB )
20211090 BEMP 784-B0287634 Rev. A dated June 2021.pdf ( 7.27 MB )
20211090 BY00102-MP-MassingPlan-RevA (002).pdf ( 1.16 MB )
20211090 Design Check - Proposed Roundabout North - November 2023 (Superseded 30.05.2024).pdf ( 0.09 MB )
20211090 Design Check - Proposed Roundabout South - November 2023 (Superseded 30.05.2024).pdf ( 0.09 MB )
20211090 Environmental Statement - Non-Technical Summary.pdf ( 0.93 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 1 - Introduction.pdf ( 0.1 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 1 Figure 1.1 - Site Location.pdf ( 0.16 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 1 Figure 1.2 - Site Boundary.pdf ( 0.33 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 10 - Ground Conditions.pdf ( 0.28 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 11 - Flood Risk.pdf ( 0.19 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 12 - Air Quality.pdf ( 0.62 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 12 Figure 12.1 - Air Quality Receptors.pdf ( 0.22 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 13 - Noise.pdf ( 0.74 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 14 - Socio-Economic & Health.pdf ( 1.16 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 15 - Climate Change.pdf ( 0.35 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 2 - Assessment Methodology.pdf ( 0.21 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 3 - The Site and the Proposed Development.pdf ( 0.17 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 3 Figure 3.1 - Parameters Plan.pdf ( 1.35 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 3 Figure 3.2 - Phase 1 Residential Development Plan.pdf ( 3.53 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 4 - Alternatives Considered.pdf ( 0.09 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 5 - Planning Policy Context.pdf ( 0.11 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 6 - LVIA.pdf ( 0.59 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 6 Figure 6.1 Site Location and Study Area.pdf ( 15.55 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 6 Figure 6.2 Topography.pdf ( 7.57 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 6 Figure 6.3 Landscape Character Areas.pdf ( 5.3 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 6 Figure 6.4 Landscape Related Designations.pdf ( 12.16 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 6 Figure 6.5 Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV).pdf ( 8.66 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 6 Figure 6.6 Viewpoint Locations.pdf ( 9.28 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 6 Figure 6.7 Visual Receptors.pdf ( 9.37 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 6 Figure 6.8 Landscape Masterplan.pdf ( 8.26 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 7 - Ecology.pdf ( 0.44 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 7 Figure 7.1 Site Location.pdf ( 1.42 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 7 Figure 7.2a Phase1 Habitat Plan.pdf ( 1.85 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 7 Figure 7.2b Phase1 Habitat Plan.pdf ( 1.1 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 7 Figure 7.3 Hedgerow Location Plan.pdf ( 1.99 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 7 Figure 7.4 Bat Roost Assessment Plan.pdf ( 1.78 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 7 Figure 7.5 Pond Location Plan.pdf ( 1.83 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 8 - Transport.pdf ( 0.3 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 9 Fig 9.16.pdf ( 3.81 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 9 - Heritage.pdf ( 0.26 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 9 Fig 9.1.pdf ( 3.05 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 9 Fig 9.10.pdf ( 2.89 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 9 Fig 9.11.pdf ( 3.26 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 9 Fig 9.12.pdf ( 2.48 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 9 Fig 9.13.pdf ( 4.7 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 9 Fig 9.14.pdf ( 3.34 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 9 Fig 9.15.pdf ( 4.15 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 9 Fig 9.17.pdf ( 1.79 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 9 Fig 9.2.pdf ( 8.34 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 9 Fig 9.3.pdf ( 2.19 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 9 Fig 9.4.pdf ( 2.77 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 9 Fig 9.5.pdf ( 2.28 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 9 Fig 9.6.pdf ( 2.96 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 9 Fig 9.7.pdf ( 2.9 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 9 Fig 9.8.pdf ( 2.74 MB )
20211090 ES - Vol 1 Chapter 9 Fig 9.9.pdf ( 3.4 MB )
20211090 ES - Volume 1 - Front Cover and Contents.pdf ( 0.38 MB )
20211090 ES - Volume 2 - Front Cover and Contents.pdf ( 0.37 MB )
20211090 Illustrative Masterplan.pdf ( 8.07 MB )
20211090 Landscape Design Statement Rev.01.pdf ( 91.76 MB )
20211090 Landscape Masterplan.pdf ( 8.26 MB )
20211090 Level Strategy - Sheet 2 QD2144-00-08 (received 16.01.2024) (Superseded 09.05.2024).pdf ( 1.02 MB )
20211090 Level Strategy - Sheet 3 (Superseded 22 January 2024).pdf ( 0.83 MB )
20211090 Level Strategy - Sheet 3 QD2144-00-09 Rev. A (received 22.01.2024) (Superseded 09.05.2024).pdf ( 0.84 MB )
20211090 Link Road - Document Issue Sheet - November 2023 (Superseded 30.05.2024).pdf ( 0.1 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-001-B KEY PLAN.pdf ( 2.04 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-002-B GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SH 1 OF 3.pdf ( 0.74 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-003-B GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SH 2 OF 3.pdf ( 0.69 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-004-B GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SH 3 OF 3.pdf ( 0.57 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-008 ENGINEERING LAYOUT SH 1 OF 3.pdf ( 1.43 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-009 ENGINEERING LAYOUT SH 2 OF 3.pdf ( 1.27 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-010 ENGINEERING LAYOUT SH 3 OF 3.pdf ( 1.17 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-011 SWEPT PATH ANALYSIS.pdf ( 2.79 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-020 CONTOUR PLAN SH 1 OF 3.pdf ( 2.5 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-021 CONTOUR PLAN SH 2 OF 3.pdf ( 2.31 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-022 CONTOUR PLAN SH 3 OF 3.pdf ( 2.3 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-030 ALIGNMENTS AND CROSS SECTIONS ARRANGEMENT SH 1 OF 3.pdf ( 0.67 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-031 ALIGNMENTS AND CROSS SECTIONS ARRANGEMENT SH 2 OF 3.pdf ( 0.64 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-032 ALIGNMENTS AND CROSS SECTIONS ARRANGEMENT SH 3 OF 3.pdf ( 0.52 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-100 LONGITUDINAL PROFILES SH 1 OF 5.pdf ( 0.17 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-101 LONGITUDINAL PROFILES SH 2 OF 5.pdf ( 0.16 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-102 LONGITUDINAL PROFILES SH 3 OF 5.pdf ( 0.17 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-103 LONGITUDINAL PROFILES SH 4 OF 5.pdf ( 0.15 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-104 LONGITUDINAL PROFILES SH 5 OF 5.pdf ( 0.18 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-200 CROSS SECTIONS SH 1 OF 13.pdf ( 0.29 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-201 CROSS SECTIONS SH 2 OF 13.pdf ( 0.25 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-202 CROSS SECTIONS SH 3 OF 13.pdf ( 0.32 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-203 CROSS SECTIONS SH 4 OF 13.pdf ( 0.22 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-204 CROSS SECTIONS SH 5 OF 13.pdf ( 0.26 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-205 CROSS SECTIONS SH 6 OF 13.pdf ( 0.28 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-206 CROSS SECTIONS SH 7 OF 13.pdf ( 0.27 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-207 CROSS SECTIONS SH 8 OF 13.pdf ( 0.29 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-208 CROSS SECTIONS SH 9 OF 13.pdf ( 0.31 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-209 CROSS SECTIONS SH 10 OF 13.pdf ( 0.26 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-210 CROSS SECTIONS SH 11 OF 13.pdf ( 0.26 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-211 CROSS SECTIONS SH 12 OF 13.pdf ( 0.26 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-100-P-212 CROSS SECTIONS SH 13 OF 13.pdf ( 0.24 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-1100-P-001 KERBING LAYOUT SH 1 OF 3.pdf ( 0.67 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-1100-P-002 KERBING LAYOUT SH 2 OF 3.pdf ( 0.63 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-1100-P-003 KERBING LAYOUT SH 3 OF 3.pdf ( 0.51 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-1200-P-001 ROAD MARKINGS SH 1 OF 3.pdf ( 0.67 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-1200-P-002 ROAD MARKINGS SH 2 OF 3.pdf ( 0.62 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-1200-P-003 ROAD MARKINGS SH 3 OF 3.pdf ( 0.51 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-700-P-001 CONSTRUCTION AREAS SH 1 OF 3.pdf ( 0.68 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-700-P-002 CONSTRUCTION AREAS SH 2 OF 3.pdf ( 0.68 MB )
20211090 LRDP 9014-A3-700-P-003 CONSTRUCTION AREAS SH 3 OF 3.pdf ( 0.55 MB )
20211090 M2 201 01 T1 (Superseded).pdf ( 0.14 MB )
20211090 M3-101 01 Barcelona (Superseded).pdf ( 1.02 MB )
20211090 M3-301 01 T2 (Superseded).pdf ( 0.62 MB )
20211090 M3-703 01 Malmo (Superseded).pdf ( 0.71 MB )
20211090 M4-301 01 Copenhagen (Superseded).pdf ( 1.29 MB )
20211090 M4-401 AS 01 Madrid (Superseded).pdf ( 1.02 MB )
20211090 M5-103 01 Florence (Superseded).pdf ( 1.38 MB )
20211090 M5-201 AS 01 Valencia (Superseded).pdf ( 0.89 MB )
20211090 M5-301 01 Naples (Superseded).pdf ( 0.95 MB )
20211090 Materials, Boundary and Surfacing Plan BY00102-MBSP Rev. A (received 12.10.2023) (Superseded 10.06.2024).pdf ( 3.79 MB )
20211090 MS-102 AS 01 Oporto (Superseded).pdf ( 1.29 MB )
20211090 Noise Impact Assessment (Phase 1) NIA-8576-21-9800-v1-Barnsley West (Phase 1) dated 18.05.2021.pdf ( 1.44 MB )
20211090 P1A Boundary Sections REV B.pdf ( 2.82 MB )
20211090 P1A Boundary Sections.pdf ( 2.62 MB )
20211090 P1A Car Parking and EVCP Plan .pdf ( 2.78 MB )
20211090 P1A Layout Plan.pdf ( 3.53 MB )
20211090 P1A M3-100_BARCELONA & M4-400 MADRID_101_PLANNING AS BRICK ELEVATIONS.pdf ( 0.53 MB )
20211090 P1A M3-100_BARCELONA & M4-400 MADRID_101_PLANNING AS STONE ELEVATIONS.pdf ( 0.85 MB )
20211090 P1A M3-100-A2S-A2-20A-CORE - Sheet - 01 - PLANNING DRAWING.pdf ( 0.91 MB )
20211090 P1A M3-601-A1S-A1-20Y-Core - Sheet - 01 - PLANNING DRAWING.pdf ( 0.36 MB )
20211090 P1A M3-700-PLANNING DRAWING.pdf ( 0.73 MB )
20211090 P1A M4-400-O2S-O2-20A-Core - Sheet - 01 - PLANNING DRAWING.pdf ( 0.75 MB )
20211090 P1A M5-100-A1S-A1-21A-CORE - Sheet - 01 - PLANNING DRAWING.pdf ( 1.28 MB )
20211090 P1A Materials Boundary and Surfacing Plan.pdf ( 4.25 MB )
20211090 P1A MIY 06-V2-4 REV H.pdf ( 0.64 MB )
20211090 P1A MIY_DG1.pdf ( 0.15 MB )
20211090 P1A MIY_SG1.pdf ( 0.15 MB )
20211090 P1A MY 02-V6-5-NAPLES_100_PLANNING AS PLANS.pdf ( 0.18 MB )
20211090 P1A MY 02-V6-5-NAPLES_101_PLANNING BRICK ELEVS AS.pdf ( 0.39 MB )
20211090 P1A MY 02-V6-5-NAPLES_102_PLANNING STONE ELEVS AS.pdf ( 0.77 MB )
20211090 P1A MY 02-V6-5-NAPLES_103_PLANNING OPP PLANS.pdf ( 0.18 MB )
20211090 P1A MY 02-V6-5-NAPLES_104_PLANNING BRICK ELEVS OPP.pdf ( 0.39 MB )
20211090 P1A MY 02-V6-5-NAPLES_105_PLANNING STONE ELEVS OPP.pdf ( 0.76 MB )
20211090 P1A MY A-251 - Sheet - 100 - Planning (Brick).pdf ( 0.8 MB )
20211090 P1A MY A-352 - Sheet - 100 - Planning (Brick).pdf ( 0.89 MB )
20211090 P1A MY P-404 SEMI - Sheet - 100 - PLANNING - BRICK.pdf ( 0.83 MB )
20211090 P1A MY P-404 SEMI - Sheet - 101 - PLANNING - STONE.pdf ( 0.81 MB )
20211090 P1A MY P-502 - Sheet - 100 - PLANNING - BRICK OPP.pdf ( 2.13 MB )
20211090 P1A MY P-502 - Sheet - 100 - PLANNING - BRICK.pdf ( 0.99 MB )
20211090 P1A MY P-502 - Sheet - 101 - PLANNING - STONE OPP.pdf ( 1.96 MB )
20211090 P1A MY P-502 - Sheet - 101 - PLANNING - STONE.pdf ( 1.19 MB )
20211090 P1A SD10.EX.07_BOUNDARY TREATMENT 7 - 1.8M HIGH WALL FLUSH PIERS-SD10-EX-07.pdf ( 0.06 MB )
20211090 P1A SD10.EX.17_BOUNDARY TREATMENT 17 - 1.8M HIGH CLOSE BOARDED FENCING rev.A.pdf ( 0.19 MB )
20211090 P1A SD10.EX.22_BOUNDARY TREATMENT 22 - 450mm & 600MM HIGH KNEE RAILS-SD10-EX-22A.pdf ( 0.16 MB )
20211090 P1A STA_MY P-412_Oporto - Sheet - 100 - PLANNING - BRICK REV A.pdf ( 1.03 MB )
20211090 P1A STA_MY P-412_Oporto - Sheet - 101 - PLANNING - STONE REV A.pdf ( 1.13 MB )
20211090 P1A Substation.pdf ( 0.32 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 EVCP and Parking Plan BY00102-CPEVCP Rev. B (Superseded 10.06.2024).pdf ( 1.1 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 Landscape Design Sh 2.pdf ( 3.47 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 Landscape Design Sh1.pdf ( 3.29 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 Massing Plan B00102-MP Rev. B (received 07.12.2023) (Superseded 10.06.2024).pdf ( 1.71 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 Planning Layout 20-CL4-SEGB-BWP1-02 Rev. O (received 24.11.2023).pdf ( 24.94 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 Planning Layout 20-CL4-SEGB-BWP1-02 Rev. R (Superseded 10.06.2024).pdf ( 27.28 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 Planning Layout 20-CL4-SEGB-BWP1-02 Rev. S (Revised 10.06.2024) (Superseded 02.07.2024).pdf ( 27.5 MB )
20211090 Phase 1 Tenure Mix Plan BY00102-TMP (received 17.01.2024) (Superseded 10.06.2024).pdf ( 1.69 MB )
20211090 Phasing Parcel Plan BWM-BBA-ZZ-XX-DR-A-1005 Rev. P03 (received 12.10.2023).pdf ( 0.93 MB )
20211090 Planning (Brickwork) MY A 151_PTM3 X100 AH1 (Superseded).pdf ( 0.85 MB )
20211090 Planning Brick MY AL-451 100 AH5 (Superseded).pdf ( 0.98 MB )
20211090 Planning Phase 1A Layout 20-CL4-SEGB-BWP1-02 REV O (Superseded).pdf ( 0.74 MB )
20211090 Planning Statement - July 2021 (Superseded).pdf ( 1.52 MB )
20211090 Planning-Brick MY-P 404 100 Rosas (Superseded).pdf ( 0.83 MB )
20211090 Proposed GA Site Sections-S2-P06.pdf ( 10.67 MB )
20211090 Proposed GA Site Sections-S2-P07.pdf ( 8.97 MB )
20211090 Proposed Indicative Site Plan BWM-BBA-ZZ-XX-DR-A-1004 Rev. P16.pdf ( 9.17 MB )
20211090 Residential Covering Letter 014B.KM-P18-1848 dated 05.08.2021.pdf ( 0.25 MB )
20211090 Section Sketch Acoustic Barrier 13731-THP-XX-XX-DR-A-SK008 (received 09.04.2024).pdf ( 0.45 MB )
20211090 Site Boundary .pdf ( 1.53 MB )
20211090 Strategic Landscaping Area P11754-00-001-GIL-0110 Rev. 00 (received 01.03.2024).pdf ( 8.8 MB )
20211090 Topographical Survey.pdf ( 7.06 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 10 Appendix 10.1 -Geotechnical Site Appraisal.pdf ( 6.86 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 10 Appendix 10.2 - Geoenvironmental Desk Study Report.pdf ( 51.73 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 10 Appendix 10.3 -Preliminary_Phase_2_Geoenvironmental_GI.pdf ( 54.4 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 10 Appendix 10.4 - Coal_Mining_Assessment.pdf ( 24.97 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 10 Appendix 10.5 - Coal_Mining_Risk_Assesment_Employment_Land.pdf ( 21.39 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 10 Appendix 10.6 -Coal_Mining_Risk_Assessment_Pogmoor.pdf ( 16.51 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 10 Appendix 10.7 Site_Preparation_and_Earthworks_Strategy.pdf ( 63.36 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 10 Appendix 10.8 -Preliminary_Site_Wide_Slope_Stability_Assessment_Report.pdf ( 49.07 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 11 Appendix 11.1 - Flood Risk Assessment.pdf ( 29.11 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 11 Appendix 11.2 - Drainage Impact Assessment.pdf ( 80.51 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 11 Appendix 11.3 - 2013 Flood & Drainage Appraisal.pdf ( 1.71 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 11 Appendix 11.4 - Drainage Strategy Report Phase 1.pdf ( 22.69 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 12 Appendix 12.1 Legislation Policy and Guidance.pdf ( 0.24 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 12 Appendix 12.2 Correspondence.pdf ( 0.18 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 12 Appendix 12.3 Methodology.pdf ( 0.59 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 12 Appendix 12.4 Air Quality Assessment Results.pdf ( 0.19 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 12 Appendix 12.5 Phase 1 Construction Dust.pdf ( 0.16 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 13 Appendix 13.2 - Traffic Data for Noise.pdf ( 0.11 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 13 Appendix 13.3 - NIA.pdf ( 1.81 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 14 Appendix 14.1 Health Impact Assessment.pdf ( 0.44 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 15 Appendix 15.1 Energy and Sustainability Statement.pdf ( 0.07 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 2 Appendix 1 - Site Boundary.pdf ( 0.33 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 2 Appendix 2 - EIA Scoping Parameters Plan.pdf ( 5.06 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 2 Appendix 2.2 EIA Scoping Opinion.pdf ( 0.12 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 2 Appendix 3 - Site Levels.pdf ( 13.09 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 2 Appendix 4 - LVIA Viewpoints.pdf ( 3.08 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 2 Appendix 5 - Landscape Constraints.pdf ( 2.8 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 2 Appendix 6 - Heritage DBA.pdf ( 9.37 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 2 Barnsley West - EIA Scoping Request Letter 05.03.21.pdf ( 0.13 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 6 Appendix 6.1 Viewpoints.pdf ( 17.39 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 6 Appendix 6.2 LVIA Visualisations.pdf ( 15.5 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 7 Appendix 7.1 - Ecological Appraisal.pdf ( 8.78 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 7 Appendix 7.2 - eDNA report.pdf ( 0.92 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 7 Appendix 7.3 - Bat Report.pdf ( 9.56 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 7 Appendix 7.4 - Breeding Birds.pdf ( 2.42 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 7 Appendix 7.6 - Hedgerow Assessment.pdf ( 8.17 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 8 Appendix 8.1 - Transport Assessment.pdf ( 28.84 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 8 Appendix 8.2 - Framework Residential Travel Plan.pdf ( 11.84 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 8 Appendix 8.3 - Workplace Framework Travel Plan.pdf ( 9.25 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 9 Appendix 9.1 Desk-based Assessment.pdf ( 9.39 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 9 Appendix 9.2 Heritage Statement.pdf ( 2.78 MB )
20211090 Vol 2 Chapter 9 Appendix 9.3 Geophysical Survey.pdf ( 25.28 MB )
Planning Layout Phase 1A Residential 20-CL4-SEGB-BWP1-02 Rev L.pdf ( 3.3 MB )
Supporting Documentation
20210190 Letter - Relocation of School and Small Scale Community Facilities dated 07.12.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.52 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Appendix 1a - Updated Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment LD10361 010 V2.1 (Revised 07.05.2024)_Redacted.pdf ( 34.13 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Appendix 2 - Updated BEMP LD10848 0014 V2.0 dated March 2023 (received 08.03.2024)_Redacted.pdf ( 0.56 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Appendix 3 - eDNA Survey Results E17387 (received 08.03.2024).pdf ( 0.19 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Appendix 5 - Water Vole and Otter Survey Results Plan LD10361-038 Rev. A (received 08.03.2024).pdf ( 1.02 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Barnsley West Clarification Note Ecology LD10848 dated 06.03.2024 (received 08.03.2024).pdf ( 0.35 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 LD10361 Appendix 7.2 Barnsley West eDNA Technical Note (Revised 16.05.2024).pdf ( 1.45 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 LD10361 Barnsley West Combined Metric 4.0 (Revised 07.05.2024).pdf ( 0.1 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Outline Bus Service Strategy V3.0 dated 16.04.2024 (received 16.04.2024).pdf ( 4.62 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Updated PRoW Connectivity Strategy (received 24.04.2024).pdf ( 3.58 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Waterbody Location Plan LD10361 020 Rev. A (received 16.05.2024).pdf ( 0.84 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Wintering Bird Survey addendum LD10848 dated 15.01.2023 (received 03.04.2024).pdf ( 7.9 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 Written Scheme of Investigation STR01-03 dated February 2024 (received 21.03.2024)_Redacted.pdf ( 10.31 MB )
20211090 Environment Impact Assessment - Scoping Report P18-1848 dated March 2021.pdf ( 0.82 MB )
20211090 LD10361 Barnsley West Residential Metric 4.0 (Revised 07.05.24).pdf ( 0.1 MB )
20211090 Letter - Relocation of School - Support Delta Trust dated 07.12.2023_Redacted.pdf ( 0.23 MB )
20211090 Neighbour Letter Addresses.xlsx ( 0.04 MB )
20211090 Original vs Revised Submitted Documents.pdf ( 0.36 MB )
20211090 Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan LD10291 001 V1.0 dated July 2021.pdf ( 0.67 MB )
20211090 Preliminary Geoenvironmental Investigation 4651-1A dated January 2024 (received 01.02.2024)_Redacted.pdf ( 20.69 MB )
20211090 Road Safety Audit MAL-BWLRRSA1 Rev.0 dated 19.05.2021.pdf ( 2.43 MB )
20211090 Statement of Community Involvement P18-1848.008B dated July 2021_Redacted.pdf ( 14.79 MB )
20211090 Utilities Strategy Statement W910‐HYD‐XX‐XX‐RP‐ME‐96001 dated 27.05.2021.pdf ( 0.35 MB )
Transport Assessment
20211090 2024-05-28 Geometric Design Check Link Rd Rbt North (Revised 30.05.2024).pdf ( 0.1 MB )
20211090 2024-05-28 Geometric Design Check Link Rd Rbt South (Revised 30.05.2024).pdf ( 0.1 MB )
20211090 2024-05-29 Response to BMBC Link Road Comments (Received 30.05.2024).pdf ( 0.58 MB )
20211090 2024-05-30 Link Road document issue sheet (Revised 30.05.2024).pdf ( 0.11 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-001-A KEY PLAN (Revised 30.05.2025).pdf ( 1.26 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-002-A GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SH 1 OF 3 (Revised 30.05.2024).pdf ( 1.08 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-003-A GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SH 2 OF 3 (Revised 30.05.2024).pdf ( 0.87 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-004-A GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SH 3 OF 3 (Revised 30.05.2024).pdf ( 0.7 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-008-A ENGINEERING LAYOUT SH 1 OF 3 (Revised 30.05.2024).pdf ( 1.73 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-009-A ENGINEERING LAYOUT SH 2 OF 3 (Revised 30.05.2024).pdf ( 1.42 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-010-A ENGINEERING LAYOUT SH 3 OF 3 (Revised 30.05.2024).pdf ( 1.25 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-011-A SWEPT PATH ANALYSIS SH 1 OF 2 (Revised 30.05.2024).pdf ( 4.71 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-012 SWEPT PATH ANALYSIS SH 2 OF 2 (Revised 30.05.2024).pdf ( 4.16 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-020 CONTOUR PLAN SH 1 OF 3.pdf ( 3.71 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-021 CONTOUR PLAN SH 2 OF 3.pdf ( 3.41 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-022 CONTOUR PLAN SH 3 OF 3.pdf ( 3.23 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-030 ALIGNMENTS ARRANGEMENT SH 1 OF 3.pdf ( 1.87 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-031 ALIGNMENTS ARRANGEMENT SH 2 OF 3.pdf ( 1.75 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-032 ALIGNMENTS ARRANGEMENT SH 3 OF 3.pdf ( 1.44 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-100 LONGITUDINAL PROFILES SH 1 OF 5.pdf ( 0.18 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-101 LONGITUDINAL PROFILES SH 2 OF 5.pdf ( 0.16 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-102 LONGITUDINAL PROFILES SH 3 OF 5.pdf ( 0.17 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-103 LONGITUDINAL PROFILES SH 4 OF 5.pdf ( 0.15 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-104 LONGITUDINAL PROFILES SH 5 OF 5.pdf ( 0.18 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-200 CROSS SECTIONS SH 1 OF 13.pdf ( 0.28 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-201 CROSS SECTIONS SH 2 OF 13.pdf ( 0.24 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-202 CROSS SECTIONS SH 3 OF 13.pdf ( 0.31 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-203 CROSS SECTIONS SH 4 OF 13.pdf ( 0.21 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-204 CROSS SECTIONS SH 5 OF 13.pdf ( 0.26 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-205 CROSS SECTIONS SH 6 OF 13.pdf ( 0.28 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-206 CROSS SECTIONS SH 7 OF 13.pdf ( 0.27 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-207 CROSS SECTIONS SH 8 OF 13.pdf ( 0.28 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-208 CROSS SECTIONS SH 9 OF 13.pdf ( 0.3 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-209 CROSS SECTIONS SH 10 OF 13.pdf ( 0.25 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-210 CROSS SECTIONS SH 11 OF 13.pdf ( 0.25 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-211 CROSS SECTIONS SH 12 OF 13.pdf ( 0.25 MB )
20211090 3062-100-P-212 CROSS SECTIONS SH 13 OF 13.pdf ( 0.23 MB )
20211090 3062-1100-P-001 KERBING LAYOUT SH 1 OF 3.pdf ( 0.47 MB )
20211090 3062-1100-P-002 KERBING LAYOUT SH 2 OF 3.pdf ( 0.38 MB )
20211090 3062-1100-P-003 KERBING LAYOUT SH 3 OF 3.pdf ( 0.38 MB )
20211090 3062-1200-P-001 ROAD MARKINGS SH 1 OF 3.pdf ( 1.82 MB )
20211090 3062-1200-P-002 ROAD MARKINGS SH 2 OF 3.pdf ( 1.69 MB )
20211090 3062-1200-P-003 ROAD MARKINGS SH 3 OF 3.pdf ( 1.4 MB )
20211090 3062-700-P-001 CONSTRUCTION AREAS SH 1 OF 3.pdf ( 1.52 MB )
20211090 3062-700-P-002 CONSTRUCTION AREAS SH 2 OF 3.pdf ( 1.37 MB )
20211090 3062-700-P-003 CONSTRUCTION AREAS SH 3 OF 3.pdf ( 1.16 MB )
20211090 3062-SD-P-002 STANDARD DETAILS ROAD CONSTRUCTION.pdf ( 0.08 MB )
20211090 Designer's Response - November 2023.pdf ( 0.1 MB )
20211090 Link Road Masterplan & General Comments - Responses - November 2023.pdf ( 0.12 MB )
20211090 Transport Assessment Addendum v2.1 - PART 1 - November 2023.pdf ( 6.64 MB )
20211090 Transport Assessment Addendum v2.1 - PART 2 - November 2023_Redacted.pdf ( 6.65 MB )
20211090 Transport Assessment Addendum v2.1 - PART 3 - November 2023_Redacted.pdf ( 29.59 MB )
20211090 Transport Assessment Addendum v2.1 - PART 4 - November 2023_Redacted.pdf ( 10.53 MB )
20211090 Transport Assessment Addendum v2.1 - PART 5 - November 2023.pdf ( 7.15 MB )
20211090 Transport Assessment Addendum v2.1 - PART 6 - November 2023.pdf ( 6.23 MB )
Travel Plan
20211090 Framework Residential Travel Plan_3062 Issue v3.0 (received 07.06.2024).pdf ( 5.86 MB )
Tree Survey
20211089 & 20211090 LD1048 Ancient Woodland Clarification Note_ Revised 17th June 2024 (Received 18.06.2024).pdf ( 5.88 MB )
20211089 & 20211090 LD10848 Other Arboriculture Matters Clarification Note_ Revised 4th July 2024 (Received 05.07.2024).pdf ( 36.81 MB )
20211090 Arbricultural Report B028734 dated June 2021.pdf ( 6.24 MB )
20211090 LD10361 Barnsley West AIA Report V1.1 Final Arboricultural Impact Assessment.pdf ( 13.21 MB )