Planning ยป Application Details
Application Reference Number 2024/0952
Description Variation of condition 2 of application 2020/1439 (Erection of 68no. 2,3, and 4 bed dwellings with associated access and landscaping) to allow introduction of substation, changes to parking provision, installation of air source heat pumps and EV-C points, and some plot handings and garage position tweaks on-plot with some garage omissions
Site Address Land Bmbc Asset Id E00061, Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9FL
Received Date 1 November 2024
Valid From 28 November 2024
Decision Under Consideration
Status Registered
Applicant Name Mr Adam Butterfield
Applicant Address Gleeson Homes 3 Europa Court Sheffield Business Park Sheffield S9 1XE
Parish None
Ward Dearne South
Application Type Variation of Condition(s)
Determination Level Under Consideration
Agent Name NA
Case Officer Name Daniel Hood
Case Officer Telephone NA
Case Officer Email
Environmental Assessment Required No
Received Date 1 November 2024
Valid From 28 November 2024
Consultation Expiry Date 26 December 2024
Target Decision Date 27 February 2025
Extended Target Decision Date Not yet determined
Decision Date Not yet determined
1 Damsteads, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FB
1 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
1 Far Moor Close, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FH
1 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
1 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
1 Risedale Road, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NU
1 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
1 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
10 Damsteads, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FB
10 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
10 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
10 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
10 Risedale Road, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NU
10 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
10 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
11 Damsteads, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FB
11 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
11 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
11 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
11 Risedale Road, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NU
11 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
12 Damsteads, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FB
12 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
12 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
12 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
12 Risedale Road, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NU
12 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
12 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
13 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
13 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
14 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
14 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
14 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
14 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
14 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
15 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
15 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
15 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
15 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
16 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
16 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
16 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
16 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
16 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
16A Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
17 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
17 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
17 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
17 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
18 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
18 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
18 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
18 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
18 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
19 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
19 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
19 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
19 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
2 Damsteads, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FB
2 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
2 Far Moor Close, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FH
2 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
2 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
2 Risedale Road, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NU
2 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
2 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
20 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
20 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
20 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
20 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
20 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
21 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
21 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
21 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
21 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
22 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
22 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
22 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
23 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
23 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
23 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
23 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
24 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PD
24 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
24 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
24 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
25 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
25 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
25 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
25 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
26 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PD
26 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
26 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
26 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
27 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
27 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
27 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
27 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
28 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PD
28 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
28 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
28 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
29 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
29 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
29 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
29 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
3 Damsteads, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FB
3 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
3 Far Moor Close, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FH
3 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
3 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
3 Risedale Road, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NU
3 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
3 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
30 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PD
30 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
30 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
30 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
31 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
31 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
31 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
32 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PD
32 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
32 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
33 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
33 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
33 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
34 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PD
34 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
34 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
35 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
35 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
35 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
36 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PD
36 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
36 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
37 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
37 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
37 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
38 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PD
38 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
38 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
39 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
39 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
39 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
4 Damsteads, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FB
4 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
4 Far Moor Close, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FH
4 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
4 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
4 Risedale Road, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NU
4 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
4 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
40 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
40 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
40 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
41 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
41 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
42 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
42 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
43 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
44 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
44 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
45 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
46 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
47 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
48 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
48 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
49 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
49 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
5 Damsteads, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FB
5 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
5 Far Moor Close, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FH
5 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
5 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
5 Risedale Road, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NU
5 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
50 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
50 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
51 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
51 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
52 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
52 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
53 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
53 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
54 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
54 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
55 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
55 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
56 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
56 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
57 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
57 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
58 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
58 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
59 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
6 Damsteads, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FB
6 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
6 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
6 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
6 Risedale Road, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NU
6 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
6 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
60 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
60 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
61 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
62 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
62 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
63 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
64 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
64 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
65 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
66 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
66 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
67 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
68 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
68 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
69 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
7 Damsteads, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FB
7 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
7 Far Moor Close, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FH
7 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
7 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
7 Risedale Road, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NU
7 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
70 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
70 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
71 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
72 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
72 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
73 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
74 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
74 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
75 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
76 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
77 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
78 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
79 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
8 Damsteads, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FB
8 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
8 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
8 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FP
8 Risedale Road, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NU
8 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
8 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FL
80 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
81 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
82 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
83 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
84 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
85 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
86 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
87 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
88 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
89 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
9 Damsteads, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FB
9 Derwent Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9PA
9 Far Moor Close, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FH
9 Lindale Gardens, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NX
9 Pickhills Grove, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FN
9 Risedale Road, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NU
9 West Moor Croft, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9FJ
90 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
91 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
92 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
93 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
95 South Moor Drive, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9QA
Kerlinz, 46 Barnburgh Lane, Goldthorpe, Barnsley, S63 9NT
Company Name Address
Biodiversity Officer Level 2 Westgate Plaza One PO Box 634 Barnsley S70 9FE
Cllr Abi Moore (Dearne South) Dearne South Ward c/o Member Services Town Hall Barnsley
Cllr Deborah Pearson (Dearne South Ward) Dearne South Ward c/o Member Services Town Hall Barnsley
Cllr Janine Bowler (Dearne South) Dearne South Ward c/o Member Services Town Hall Barnsley
Contaminated Land Officer Regulatory Services Barnsley MBC PO Box 602 Barnsley S70 9FB
Forestry Officer Level 1 Westgate Plaza One PO Box 604 Barnsley S70 9FE
Highway Drainage Westgate Plaza 1 PO Box 601 Barnsley S70 9FA
Highways DC Highways and Engineering Level 2 Westgate Plaza 1 PO Box 604 Barnsley S70 9FE
Mining Remediation Authority 200 Lichfield Lane Mansfield Nottinghamshire NG18 4RG
Pollution Control Westgate Plaza 1 PO Box 602 Barnsley S70 9FB
South Yorkshire Archaeology Service Planning, Transport and Highways Howden House 1 Union Street Sheffield S1 2SH
Urban Design Officer Level 1 Westgate Plaza 1 PO BOX 604 Barnsley
Yorkshire Water Services Limited Land Use Planning Western Way Halifax Road BRADFORD BD6 2LZ
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